Leader of the organization

The organization is led by Sarafina Akisichab, a community mobilization specialist with over 10 years’ experience working with children, youth, women and other marginalized groups, local communities and opinion leaders  to inform and educate especially youth and women to help reduce new all forms of violence against children.

Sarafina Akisichab is versatile with strategies for engaging communities on development issues including health and is focused on achieving behavioural change in the long term.


Sarafina Foundation has a secretariat based in Pong-Tamale – Northern Region and has volunteers across the Districts and Municipalities in the Northern region.

Sarafina Foundation has a board of directors comprising two (2) women, three (3) men and two (2) youth representatives.




  1. To provide sexual reproductive health education to youth in schools and communities
  2. Sensitize youth and the whole society on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and STIs
  3. To promote economic empowerment initiatives in rural communities
  4. To provide appropriate training to young people on issues that affect them to enhance their skills to fight for themselves (Advocacy)


Sarafina Foundation is non-political and not faith-based. Its membership is open to all young people between the ages of 15 and 35 living or residing in Ghana.

What we do

  1. Child-led Advocacy.
  2. Entrepreneurship training.
  3. Women empowerment.
  4. Education
  5. Climate change.

Our Approach

  • Peer to Peer Learning
  • Child-Led Advocacy and Engagements
  • Child Parliament Approach
  • Advocating for Competencies